

The beginning of the birth A birth can begin in two ways. Or with the breaking of the membranes or with contractions. It is normal to give birth somewhere between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. 

Blood loss / mucus plug 
A small amount of blood loss can occur during the last weeks of pregnancy. The cervix is so well circulated that it can easily happen that a blood vessel jumps, causing you to lose a little bit of blood (for example after having sex, a strong cough, internal examination or difficult bowel movements). Some people lose a mucus plug in the last few weeks (in whole or in part). Some blood may be mixed in this tough mucus plug. This can do absolutely no harm and says nothing about when the birth will start. If you lose an amount of blood that is comparable to your period, you should always call us immediately. 

Amniotic fluid loss 
If your membranes break you lose moisture that can be different in quantity. The moisture can be clear and transparent. Sometimes there are some white or pink flakes in it and there may also be some blood loss. It is important that you look at the color of the amniotic fluid. Are your membranes broken during the day? Then call us to let us know. Is it after 10 p.m. in the evening, the head has descended well, you have no contractions and the amniotic fluid is clear then call us the next morning so that we can come by for the checks. Is the amniotic fluid colored (yellow / green or brown)? Then call us immediately regardless of what time. This colored amniotic fluid is because the baby has pooped in the amniotic fluid. It is then important to be able to properly monitor the baby's condition. You can also properly assess the color of the amniotic fluid if you put in a white sanitary napkin, which is included in your maternity package. 

Braxton-hicks contractions / hard bellies 
Contractions in terms of strength, length and / or frequency are not usually the start of the birth. They can be caused by the baby falling, the preparation of the uterus for the birth or possibly a bladder infection. They can ensure that the condition of the cervix is optimally prepared. Disconnection (opening of the cervix) usually requires contractions that come with a good regularity (within 5 minutes) and last for a long time (around 60 seconds). You have to concentrate to catch this. Sometimes you doubt whether or not they are contractions. In such a situation, look up the heat for example from a hot shower or jug. Your uterus is a muscle that relaxes due to heat. If it is labor pains it will subside. If it is strong labor to give birth, the birth will continue despite the heat. 

Labor contractions 
Labor contractions come and go and in principle no longer stop until you give birth. It is a natural process that happens to you, you cannot control it. In order to make the opening up smoothly, it is important that you relax as well as possible in between contractions. Don't resist the contractions, just let it happen, surrender to it. A warm bath or shower can help with this. Changing your posture on a regular basis can help with the opening up and progress of the birth. Find an attitude that feels good to you. Here are some examples of postures that you can adopt. With contractions every 3-4 minutes that last 45-60 seconds for 1 hour it is time to call us when you give birth to your first child. Have you given birth before? Then call us as soon as the contractions have a frequency of 5 minutes and last 45-60 seconds for 1 hour. Are you in doubt? Please contact us for consultation. However, if you need contact at any time during the opening phase, you can always call us. 

Bath delivery 
You can easily take different positions in the bath because you don't feel gravity. The water has a relaxing and analgesic effect. In addition, the chance of tearing is smaller due to better guidance and softening of the perineum. The best time to get into the water is with frequent contractions that occur every 3-4 minutes. At that moment you will enter the active phase. The contractions become stronger and the analgesic effect of the water is greatest. The temperature of the bath is most comfortable for you and your baby around 37 degrees. 
It is important to purchase a bath thermometer in addition to the bath, so that we can monitor the temperature of the water. We recommend that you also place a bed near the bathtub. If necessary, you can lie down directly on it. 

Buying or renting a baby bath Online is a large range of baby baths. At Bevallingsbaden you can buy or rent a special delivery bath. A normal bath is generally too narrow to give birth In a birth bath you have more space and therefore freedom of movement. You can also walk around a delivery bath. 

Contents hospital bag 
  • It is handy to have a 'flight' bag ready for you from 37 weeks, containing: 
  • Insurance card
  • Pregnancy card
  • Photo camera / video camera with chargers
  • Mobile phone with charger
  • List of telephone numbers for people you want to call from the hospital
  • A pulp mat (from the maternity package) around the car seat to protect 
  • Clothing that you want to wear during your birth (something that feels comfortable and can get dirty) 
  • Clothing for after birth 
  • Bathrobe 
  • Slippers or slippers 
  • Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, comb / brush, shampoo, soap, deodorant, lip balm (you often have dry lips from it) puffing and pressing), glasses / lenses 
  • Dextro-energy (often you do not feel like eating but you can use energy) 
  • Clothes and shawl for the baby 
  • Hat and jacket for the baby when you go home
  • Maxi-Cosi with something warm to wear to cover the child baby
  • Optional, your own music or Ipad 

Home birth 
In the event of a home birth, we accompany your birth t the assistance of your maternity care. For this it is important to read the following carefully


From 37 weeks the bed must be raised to approx. 80 cm. For this you can borrow bed raisers or use beer crates. If you have a water bed, you will have to raise another bed. The waterbed cannot be raised and you cannot give birth because of the instability of the mattress. If you have any doubts about the size of the bedroom or the steepness of the stairs, we can come and see if a home birth is possible.


Make sure there is a maternity package at home or make a box yourself for all supplies for the birth. Put this box within reach when the delivery starts. The maternity package contains various fiber mats, maternity pads and gauze. It is possible that the birth starts with the breaking of the membranes. Therefore it's smart to put a pulp mat on your mattress from 37 weeks. During delivery you better pack your mattress completely with plastic or use a waterproof molton cover for the mattress.
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